TOOLSFect transfection reagent
No need to change the culture medium before or after transfection.
With specially formulated working solution, no need of preparing an extra serum-free medium.
High cell viability ratio after transfection.
Proofed very efficiently delivering DNA to various cell lines

Figure 1. Transfection of GFP-expressing plasmid into (A) H4, (B) U87, (C) U118MG, (D) GL-261, (E) 9L/lacZ, (F) RG2 brain tumor cell line with TOOLSFect and leading transfection reagent, respectively. (G) The Bar graphs show the percentage of cells expressing GFP after transfection with a GFP-expressing plasmid. TOOLSFect transfection reagent demonstrates significantly higher transfection performance compared to leading transfection reagent in various cells lines derived from brain tumors. Over 80% of the panel is easy to transfect with TOOLSFect transfection reagent. The transfection is performed in a 12-well plate format (1×105 cells/well) using 3 µg plasmid/well and 3 µl transfection reagent respectively following the individual protocols.

Figure 2. U87MG spheres were transfected using TOOLSFect transfection reagent. Cells were visualized by fluorescence microscopy and TOOLSFect transfection reagent demonstrates significantly high transfection performance in the sphere.

Figure 3. Transfection of GFP-expressing plasmid into (Left to right) CH0-K1, HT1080, COS-7 cell line with TOOLSFect. The Transfection efficiency is determined by flow cytometry detecting GFP after transfection. Over 80% of the panel is easy to transfect with TOOLSFect transfection reagent. The transfection is performed in a 12-well plate format (1×10^5 cells/well) using 3 µg plasmid/well and 3 µl transfection reagent respectively following the individual protocols.
Transfect HUVEC
Figure 1. TOOLSFect transfection reagent and Competitor agents were used to Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) with a GFP-expressing plasmid in a 12-well plate format (1.2×10^5 cells/well), using 3 µg plasmid/well and the recommended protocols for each reagent. (A) GFP expression was analyzed 48 hours post-transfection, and (B) the Transfection efficiency is determined by flow cytometry detecting GFP after transfection. (C) Microphotograph represents cell morphology and viability in HUVEC post-transfection. (D) The Bar graphs representing the percentage of cells expressing GFP and viability after transfection shows TOOLSfect performs great transfection and low-cytotoxicity.
Figure 1. TOOLSFect transfection reagent and Competitor agents were used to transfect plasmid for lentivirus production, pCMV-ΔR8.91 (12 kb), pMD.G (6.5 kb), and pLAS2w.RFP-C.Pneo (9 kb) into 293T cells in a 6-well plate format. The recommended protocols for each reagent were applied. The assembled lentivirus of RFP was collected and further used to infect the cells and (A) (B) RFP expression was analyzed 72 hours after lentivirus infection with different magnifications. (Table) The amounts of materials are recommended for lentivirus production with TOOLSFect.